Has it all been done before?
Does it matter?
I think I spend more effort on thinking up ways to be original than I do actually just going out and taking pictures.
We have been taking photographs for about 150 years and I bet there is a stat out there somewhere that says we have taken more pictures in the last 5 years than we did on the previous 145. Something like that, anyway!
So are we doomed to just repeat what has gone before, should we make the effort to try to be original? My thought is that tring to be original is the wrong approach, I think you just have to be yourself and take pictures of things that interest you. Those pictures are ‘original’ even if they are recognisable as being in the syle of someone else. You are shooting what you saw, not what anyone else saw so long as you put thought into the creation of the image.
Go on, get out there and be the authentic you: that’s originality.